Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A New Year's Resolution

I know I am horrible at posting on a regular basis. If I'm not working I'm writing. If I'm not writing, I'm reading. If I'm not reading, I have been lured in by some obscure movie or TV show I had no intention of watching. So, this resolution, among others, is to make a point to post more often. I am really not that interesting, but I figured that I should start somewhere.

Those of you who know me, know I am writing an original novel that I am hoping to get published at some stage. I am a little but of a procrastinator, but I think that's more to do with fear than lack of motivation. I am all for constructive criticism, but it's still a daunting task. That being said, I am hoping to document my journey here. There will undoubtedly be tears, frustration, embarrassment and a plethora of other emotions, but I am hoping it will all be interesting. Hope being the operative word!

To give you an idea of where I am at, I am writing the third book in a four book series. I have almost finished the second draft of the first book and I am having a pre-reader help find the grammar and punctuation issues I have missed. I want to get the rest of the first book edited before I mail anything out, so hopefully – fingers crossed – this will push me to get it done!

For those of you reading this, thank you! I know I am a relative nobody, but we all have to have a medium to get our voices out there, even if nobody is listening!

See you in the New Year!


Weezy <3

Fanfiction Covers

I made some covers for my fan fiction! It was a slow day at work can you tell...

Avenging the Fallen Angel

Lunar Ascension


Rekindled Ashes

Shadow of a Doubt

The Girl Under the Bed


Monday, August 15, 2011

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Through the Eyes Of Alice Cullen

Through the Eyes of Alice Cullen was the first fanfiction I ever wrote. Grammatically it's horrendous, and I never had a beta. At some point I do plan to clean it up a little bit, I started with the first chapter and ended up adding almost 2k words. There's a lot of things wrong with this and I should really take it down until I am able to do something with it, but I can't bring myself to do it, this is what started 3 1/2 Years of writing fanfiction.

Through the Eyes of Alice Cullen


Okay so I decided since sucks with things like links in the profile and such I would start a blog where I could keep everything in one place and have only one link to maintain on the profile. I'm going to try and post everything by Fic title with a link to the story.

I'm sorry if you stumbled on this by accident and find it incredibly boring lol!