Monday, October 8, 2012

Welcome to Hell... Please wipe your feet!

Okay, so I knew the whole publishing road was going to be difficult, but dang... I have four books written and finished and now I'm stumbling through the minefield that is writing query letters and a synopsis and making sure they're catchy and attention grabbing while still holding onto the essence of the story. All the while garnering enough attention to actually get the agents/publishers to even look at the sample you sent. I knew it wouldn't be easy, and I realize that these people see thousands of queries a day of hopeful authors, but I swear, it would be easier to grow wings and fly than getting the literacy world to pay attention. That being said... I'm pumped. I have reworked everything and I'm going to try again and again. You can knock me down but I always get back up with a determined smile. Hell, if it's worth fighting for why even think about taking a backseat... I may or may not have had one too many redbulls... Or coffee.. Or monsters... ;)

Saturday, June 23, 2012


So my New years resolution kind of blew didn't it!!! So much for sharing more often. Anyway, as far as the whole publishing thing is going, truthfully I haven't got very much further, so I am spending today really working on it! I have the synopsis and query letter ready to go, and a book that has every detail on literary agents you could ask for. I just need to get to the damn post office and get some envelopes and stamps to send it out there.

The worst they can say is no... Right?

Well actually, they could say you suck and have no talent whatsoever and this "baby" of yours is the worst piece of over indulgent crap I've ever laid eyes on! ... I'm not thinking about that though! I am going with the positive thoughts! Self-affirmation.

There are always other options! But I did want to challenge myself and this has certainly been a challenge. Apparently, my self-confidence was far worse that I had originally imagined it to be.

So, you say... What have I been doing while procrastinating.... I've been writing (when am I not!) and re-watching the whole series of Dawson's Creek! I loved that show when I was younger. Even if they do speak like they've been brought up rammed full of a thesaurus and have issues that really could be solved with a nice big dose of cutting loose and being kids.

Anyway, while reliving this I found the funny or die video that James Van Der Beek did... and I have to say it's hilarious!!! If you have a chance, go to JAMESVANDERMEMES Some of these gifs are hilarious!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Rekindles Ashes Banner

I think I will be making more of these eventually! As for the resolution... Well you can see just how well I've stuck to that lol!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A New Year's Resolution

I know I am horrible at posting on a regular basis. If I'm not working I'm writing. If I'm not writing, I'm reading. If I'm not reading, I have been lured in by some obscure movie or TV show I had no intention of watching. So, this resolution, among others, is to make a point to post more often. I am really not that interesting, but I figured that I should start somewhere.

Those of you who know me, know I am writing an original novel that I am hoping to get published at some stage. I am a little but of a procrastinator, but I think that's more to do with fear than lack of motivation. I am all for constructive criticism, but it's still a daunting task. That being said, I am hoping to document my journey here. There will undoubtedly be tears, frustration, embarrassment and a plethora of other emotions, but I am hoping it will all be interesting. Hope being the operative word!

To give you an idea of where I am at, I am writing the third book in a four book series. I have almost finished the second draft of the first book and I am having a pre-reader help find the grammar and punctuation issues I have missed. I want to get the rest of the first book edited before I mail anything out, so hopefully – fingers crossed – this will push me to get it done!

For those of you reading this, thank you! I know I am a relative nobody, but we all have to have a medium to get our voices out there, even if nobody is listening!

See you in the New Year!


Weezy <3

Fanfiction Covers

I made some covers for my fan fiction! It was a slow day at work can you tell...

Avenging the Fallen Angel

Lunar Ascension


Rekindled Ashes

Shadow of a Doubt

The Girl Under the Bed


Monday, August 15, 2011